ARLINGTON, Texas – Latin Americans have many traditions, and at this time of year, many of those traditions include foods that represent the holidays for them.
Some Latin American Dallas-Fort Worth residents shared their favorite holiday dishes as part of an unscientific survey conducted by the Arlington Sentinel. Of the 22 people who responded, the majority said tamales are their favorite holiday tradition.

Tamales are made from corn, filled with various ingredients and cooked in a package of vegetable leaves that can be either from corn or plantain.
Ten people out of the 22 who answered indicated a fondness for tamales.
Alexia Picon said she likes them because of the traditions and said she enjoys the process of making them.
“It turns it into quality family time,” Picon said.
Anna Sanchez said that she likes the dish because of the taste and culture.
“First, because it tastes really good and unique and also because it’s something that our culture grew up eating,” Sanchez said.
Tamales can be stuffed with any type of meats or vegetables, and that is why Eric Padilla said he likes them.
“I like this dish because I’m a picky eater, so since there are a lot of types, I have many options to choose from,” Padilla said.
Panes con Pollo
Panes con pollo is a chicken sandwich that is made with chicken stew, salsa, vegetables and mayonnaise. This dish is mainly made by Salvadorans.
Arianna Hernadez said she likes the dish because it is representative of her culture, while Alex Hernandez said he liked it because his mom made the dish with love.
Relleno and Pozole
Relleno is baked chicken seasoned with different spices, accompanied by a filling made of cold meats, chicken gizzards, dried fruits, natural apples, peaches, walnuts, almonds and pine nuts. The ingredients are first fried and then put in the oven.
Pozole is a classic Mexican stew or soup recipe. It is seasoned and topped with shredded lettuce or cabbage, chili peppers, onion, garlic, radishes, salsa or limes. It is made from hominy with meat, usually chicken or pork.
Mole, Panettone, Buñuelos, Pierna al horno and Ponche
Mole is a Mexican sauce, which can have different spices and ingredients, which makes its color and flavor different.
Panettone is a Peruvian sweet bread dessert.
Buñuelos are fried dough desserts covered with cinnamon and sugar.
Pierna al horno is pork leg seasoned with spices. It can be accompanied by green spaghetti and chilis in curtido.
Ponche is a hot Mexican fruit punch that can either be served with or without alcohol.